Thursday, June 14, 2012

Christie: Let Us All Honor And Display The Flag

Today New Jersey Governor Chris Christie issued the following statement marking the 96th anniversary of Flag Day, which celebrates the adoption of the flag of the United States by resolution of the Second Continental Congress on June 14, 1777:

“On Flag Day, we recognize the Stars and Stripes as an enduring expression of America’s devotion to liberty, justice and sense of common purpose. Our national flag has served as a symbol of unity since our nation's birth more than two hundred years ago. Wherever it flies, it’s a signal of strength, pride and freedom for all those who see it.

As we mark the 96th anniversary of Flag Day, I encourage all New Jerseyans to proudly fly our nation’s flag and reflect on the values that make our nation great.”

Governor Christie also proclaimed June 14, 2012 as “Flag Day” throughout New Jersey.

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