Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Christie To Dems: 'Get The Hell Off The Beach!'

The behavior of the tax 'n spend Corzine Democrats in the New Jersey State Legislature has been disgraceful.
They said they supported a tax cut but it was all a ruse.
Because they are now holding all and any tax cuts hostage till they get the big ticket spending items and business-as-usual, tax-'n-spend budget that they want. And, they even want to raise some taxes!
Governor Chris Christie is not amused.
And he's not about to approve the Democrat budget as currently formulated.
In fact, he doesn't want the Democrat-controlled House and Senate to leave Trenton until they deliver a badly-needed tax cut to the highest taxed state in the nation.
Watch out New Jersey -- Christie's ready for an old-fashioned summer brawl.

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