Friday, June 8, 2012

Dan Cirucci Blog Milestone: 365,000 Visits! Thanks!

By the time you read this we may have already reached another milestone.
Yes, the Dan Cirucci Blog has attracted more than 365,000 visits and many, many more page views.
We are so grateful to all of you who continue to make this blog a success.
We promise more insightful commentary, more entertainment, restaurant, movie, theater and travel views and reviews and the latest updates on the popular culture and everything you need to know.
And you'll go wherever we go -- even if we're practically at the Arctic Circle, as we recently were.
It's heartening to know that so many of you are following the Dan Cirucci Blog regularly. We know that you have lots and lots of choices on the internet and the fact that you're here with us makes us feel that all that we are doing is worthwhile.
And we'll continue to do it just as long as you continue to visit and tell many, many others about the blog.
This summer, tell everyone you know. Tell them to come on over to the Dan Cirucci blog for news, views, commentary, insight, revealing discoveries and surprising developments. It's fresh every day, with something for everyone.
We welcome the world!

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