Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Guadagno Welcomes OpenLab To New Jersey

Calling it yet another sign that New Jersey’s highly educated population and reputation for innovation is desirable to business, Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno today welcomed the opening of Juniper Networks’ new OpenLab: The Junos Center for Innovation. OpenLab provides software entrepreneurs and academic institutions resources to develop, test and launch new software applications, shortening their time to market.
For many entrepreneurs, OpenLab will mean access to tools and resources that are otherwise unavailable. “Creating an environment that welcomes businesses and ignites the culture of innovation in New Jersey has been a top priority of this Administration,” said Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno. “We are thrilled that an industry leader like Juniper Networks is developing the next generation of networking technology right here in the Garden State.” The 7,000 square-foot Bridgewater facility features collaboration, lab, rack and conference space. “By attracting software entrepreneurs, OpenLab is bringing tomorrow’s job creators to New Jersey. We look forward to OpenLab’s clients launching their products in New Jersey, establishing roots in New Jersey, and hiring workers from New Jersey,” continued Lt. Governor Guadagno.
During the Christie Administration’s first two years in office, New Jersey added more than 84,600 new private sector jobs and attracted scores of companies. In fact, New Jersey experienced the best month of job growth in seven years during the month of May and was responsible for one of every four net new jobs created in America for the month of May. Led by Lt. Governor Guadagno, the New Jersey Partnership for Action (PFA) supports the vital role business plays in advancing the state’s economy and creating jobs.
 The PFA is a three-pronged public-private approach to economic development and the starting point for all initiatives, policies, and efforts to grow New Jersey’s economy and create quality, sustainable jobs in our communities. The three elements of the PFA include the Business Action Center, reporting directly to the Lt. Governor and providing the business community with a single point of contact, applying a proactive, customer-service approach to businesses’ interactions with State government; the New Jersey Economic Development Authority, serving as the state’s “bank for business”; and Choose New Jersey, an independently funded and operated 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation created to encourage and nurture economic growth throughout New Jersey. Business Facilities magazine recently presented its “Achievement in Reorganization of Economic Development” award to the PFA for its efforts to reverse the state’s previously anti-business image.
Businesses considering a move or in need of assistance are encouraged to call New Jersey’s Business Action Center at (866) 534-7789 or visit the State’s Business Portal at www.newjerseybusiness.gov.

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