Tuesday, June 12, 2012

In Obamaville, A Growing Sense Of Doom

Dana Milbank is out with a zinger of a column in the Washington Post. here's an excerpt:

 'It has been a Junius Horribilis for President Obama.
 'Job growth has stalled, the Democrats have been humiliated in Wisconsin, the attorney general is facing a contempt-of-Congress citation, talks with Pakistan have broken down, Bill Clinton is contradicting Obama, Mitt Romney is outraising him, Democrats and Republicans alike are complaining about a 'cascade' of national-security leaks from his administration, and he is now on record as saying that the 'private sector is doing fine.' . . .
"This has been one of the worst stretches of the Obama presidency. In Washington, there is a creeping sense that the bottom has fallen out and that there may be no second term."
Click here to read the entire column.

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