Saturday, June 30, 2012

Jobs, Economy Shrink; White House Payroll Grows

The White House released its annual report to Congress on staff salaries. At 4:39 p.m. on Friday. That's what's called a "document dump" -- dumping information at the end of the week that they hope you'll ignore.
But we haven't ignored it. In fact, a quick review found the White House payroll appears to have grown since last year, going from $37.1 million in 2011 to $37.8 million in 2012. The number of employees listed also grew -- from 454 last year to 468 in 2012. So much for cutting back, streamlining and saving our hard-earned tax dollars in the midst of a lingering economic downturn.
On this year's report, there were 68 special assistants to the president, 22 assistants to the president and 24 deputy assistants. 

BTW: America's "de-facto president" Valerie Jarrett and 19 other Obamatons on the payroll are each pulling in a cool $172,200.00 per year.
Your tax dollars at work, America!

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