Thursday, June 14, 2012

Kean: NJ Job Growth Defies Trend; Undermines Dems

New Jersey Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean, Jr. (R- Union) issued the following statement in response to the latest release of employment data showing New Jersey added over 17, 000 jobs in May of 2012:

The recovery is slow sometimes frustrating, and that is to be expected given the massive deficits and high tax burden passed on by the Democrats in Trenton to this Administration. But the numbers are encouraging. We are creating sustainable, private sector jobs that will add dollars to our economy, and more people are re-entering the workforce.
The fact that we've added more jobs in New Jersey than in any single month in the last seven years, and 25% of all jobs created in America last month, shows that path of fiscal discipline and low taxes Republicans and Governor Christie have chosen for the state is working.
The same Democratic leaders who have criticized and politicized the tough choices Republicans have made to turn our state around are now watching their credibility on the economy evaporate.
The Democratic Majority should abandon their desire to return to the days of higher taxes and unchecked special interest spending and join us in doing what is proving to work for New Jersey.

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