Wednesday, June 27, 2012

New Dem Pastime: Bailing Out On Obama

“Last month, President Obama’s fellow Democrats deserted his shameful attacks on free enterprise. Now, with the President doubling down on his misleading attacks, even more Democrats are jumping ship – this time from the President’s own Democratic convention. As president, Mitt Romney will unite all Americans around pro-growth policies that will jumpstart our economy.” 
–Andrea Saul, Romney Campaign Spokesperson

Yesterday, Four Prominent Democrats Deserted President Obama’s 2012 Democratic Convention:

Claire McCaskill Will Not Be Attending The Democratic National Convention In Charlotte…” “Claire McCaskill will not be attending the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, a McCaskill aide confirmed to TPM Tuesday.” (Pema Levy, “Claire McCaskill Will Not Attend Democratic National Convention,” Talking Points Memo, 6/26/12)

Four Years Ago, Senator McCaskill Was One Of The First Senators To Endorse President Obama’s Presidential Campaign. 
“One of President Barack Obama's biggest supporters will not be attending this summer's Democratic National Convention. … McCaskill endorsed then Sen. Barack Obama in January, 2008, becoming one of the first senators to back Obama, who was locked in a marathon battle with then Sen. Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination.” (Paul Steinhauser and Ted Barrett, “McCaskill To Skip Democratic Convention,” CNN, 6/26/12)

Representative John Barrow (D-GA) Announced He Will Skip The Democratic National Convention. 
“Augusta U.S. Rep. John Barrow will skip the Democratic National Convention in September, adding to a growing list of Democrats distancing themselves from the national party's major quadrennial get-together.” (Daniel Malloy, “Barrow To Skip Democratic National Convention,” Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 6/26/12)

Arizona Senate Candidate Richard Carmona Announced He Would Not Attend The Democratic National Convention. 
“Heitkamp joins a growing list of Democratic Senate candidates opting out of Charlotte, including Arizona Senate candidate Richard Carmona, Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., Sen. Jon Tester, D-Mont., and Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va.” (Julie Sobel, “Heitkamp Skipping Dem Convention,” National Journal, 6/26/12)

FLASHBACK: President Obama Personally Lobbied Carmona To Enter The Senate Race. “President Barack Obama called former U.S. Surgeon General Richard Carmona last month to urge him to run for Senate in Arizona, two Democratic sources told POLITICO. The call signals that Obama is engaged in recruiting a strong Senate candidate in a state Democrats have eyed as a presidential battleground.” (Alexander Burns, “Obama Courts Arizona Senate Candidate, May Contest State 'Heavily',” Politico, 10/6/11)

North Dakota Senate Candidate Heidi Heitkamp Will Skip The Democratic National Convention In Charlotte This September.” (Julie Sobel, “Heitkamp Skipping Dem Convention,” National Journal, 6/26/12)
Yesterday’s Defectors Are The Latest Democrats Who Are Backing Away From President Obama:

“West Virginia’s Top Three Democrats,” Senator Joe Manchin, Governor Earl Ray Tomblin, And Representative Nick Rahall Announced They Would Not Attend The Convention. 
“West Virginia’s top three Democrats will not attend their party’s national convention in September, the West Virginia Democratic Party said Monday. U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin, Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin and U.S. Rep. Nick Rahall do not plan to help pick President Barack Obama as their party’s nominee.” (Ry Rivard, “Manchin, Tomblin, Rahall Not Going To Democratic National Convention,” Charleston Daily Mail, 6/18/12)

Representative Mark Critz (D-PA) Announced He Would Not Attend President Obama’s DNC Convention. “U.S. Rep. Mark Critz said on Tuesday he will skip the Democratic National Convention in favor of campaigning in Pennsylvania, much like top elected Democrats in neighboring West Virginia who are disgruntled with President Obama.” (Selena Zito, “Rep. Mark Critz, Other Dems, To Skip Convention In Favor Of Campaigning In Pennsylvania,” Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, 6/20/12)

New York Democrat Representatives Kathy Hochul And Bill Owens Announced Last Week They Will Not Attend The Democratic Convention. 
“At least half a dozen Democratic officials have said in recent days that they won't attend the Democratic National Convention this September in Charlotte, North Carolina, where the president will formally receive the party's nomination for a second term. The latest: New York Democratic Reps. Bill Owens and Kathy Hochul, both of whom won special elections in recent years – in 2009 and 2011, respectively – that were heralded by party leaders.” (Dan Hirschhorn, “Bucking Convention,” The Daily, 6/20/12)

Rep. Jim Matheson (D-Utah) Will Skip The Democratic National Convention, Making Him The Latest In A String Of Conservative Democrats To Take A Pass On The Party Confab.” (Cameron Joseph, “Dem Rep. Matheson Will Skip Democratic National Convention,”The Hill, 6/21/12)

Montana Senator Jon Tester Is Skipping The Democratic National Convention. 
“Tester’s campaign quickly followed suit to say they would skip the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., which is the week after the GOP gathering.” (Cameron Joseph And David Kaner, “Montana Senate Candidates Will Skip Parties' Conventions,” The Hill, 6/25/12)

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