Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Obama On Glitz Tour, Awash In Big Buck$

President Obama spoke with well-heeled donors at two events in San Francisco and then goes to Los Angeles to headline a Beverly Hills gala with gay and lesbian activists.
Comedian talk show host and avowed lesbian Ellen DeGeneres headlined the event and Darren Criss, a star from the television show "Glee," performed for an audience of 600 people of the left coast glitterati who paid $1,250 a ticket to attend.
Later, the president appears at a smaller, cushier fundraiser at a private Beverly Hills residence for 70 people who are each contributing $25,000 to his campaign.
"Americans may wish they could hobnob with the rich and famous but they are much more concerned about how to find a job and pay the bills," said Kirsten Kukowski, a spokeswoman for the Republican National Committee.
But hey, Obama's just a "man of the people," right?

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