Friday, June 1, 2012

Piss In The Pool? Yes, At Record Rates

People are peeing in that pool you're wading or swimming in.
And as summer approaches, you'd better be damned careful.
In fact, some reports say you might want to think twice before taking a dip in a public pool this summer.
According to a recent survey in when roughly 1,000 American adults were asked whether they urinate in pools, one in five admitted to doing so. Remember: this reflects only the number of people who admitted to peeing in pools.
Yes, chlorine kills most waterborne germs.
But pesky germs and infections can develop antibodies to the disinfectant and spread rapidly. Additional bacteria carried on human skin, including sweat and fecal matter, raises the risk of E. coli or salmonella contaminating pools. The chances of getting sick are said to be highest at crowded recreational water parks, according to the Centers for Disease Control.
Sadly, the CDC has seen a significant increase in gastrointestinal illnesses caused by swimming in dirty pools across the U.S.

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