Thursday, June 7, 2012

Romney Fund Raising: Grassroots, Heartland Power

President Obama is raking in cash from the glitterati of Hollywood and Broadway and from the barons of Wall Street. He hobnobs with the rich and famous and delights in the spotlight amidst limousine-caravaned Hollywood stars and flashy show people.
But Mitt Romney is raising money for his campaign as well -- over 93% of it from hard-working, ordinary Americans who have donated $250 or less.
Here are the facts:
Today, Romney for President, Romney Victory, and the Republican National Committee announced fundraising totals of over $76.8 million in May. The campaign and RNC have $107 million cash on hand.
Announcing the numbers, Romney Victory National Finance Chairman Spencer Zwick said, “We are encouraged by the financial support from a broad range of voters. To them, whether they are Republican, Democrat, Independent, a first time political donor, or a former Obama donor, this is not just a campaign; it's an opportunity for the country. It is clear that people aren't willing to buy into ‘hope & change’ again. Voters are making an investment because they believe that it will benefit the country.”
“Our strong fundraising is a sign that Americans are tired of President Obama’s broken promises and want a change of direction in the White House,” said Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus. “We will continue the hard work of raising the resources to defeat President Obama so that we can elect Mitt Romney and Republicans up and down the ballot to get our country on the right track again.”

FAST FACTS About Romney For President, Romney Victory, and RNC Fundraising:

  • Over $76.8 Million Raised In May
  • 93% Of All Donations Received In May Were $250 Or Less
  • $12 Million Raised By Donations Under $250 In May
  • 297,442 Donations Received Under $250 In May
  • $107 Million Cash On Hand
  • Contributions Received From All 50 States And Washington, D.C.

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