Monday, June 18, 2012

Why Some People Can't See That Obama Has Failed

Many of my liberal friends are angry and frustrated.
Not at Obama but at me.
From my vantage point it seems they go through life with blinders on because they simply don't want to see -- or be reminded of -- the president's missteps, failures, deceits and broken promises.
Why is this so?
Let me try to explain it.
I think part of the reason for their blinders is that their decision to embrace Obama in the first place was purely emotional. It had nothing to do with his experience or qualifications for the office (basically none) and everything to do with his visceral appeal. 
They had a better qualified, more seasoned, more well-grounded candidate. Her name was Hillary Clinton. But they rejected her.
Instead, they fell madly in love with Obama -- or thought they did. They were dazzled by him. 
And you know, love really is blind. 
So, you don't see (or don't wanna see) that your lover has let you down.
And it's hard to admit that your lover simply led you on; that he really isn't who you thought he was; that he just doesn't have what it takes; that he hasn't delivered on what he promised. 
It's harder still to admit that your lover may have actually deceived you.
So, instead of turning on your lover, your disenchantment centers on the people who are reminding you that he's a fraud. You refuse to face the facts.
Now, that's the prescription for tragedy.
But it happens often.
This is the classic compounding or irrational thought and behavior. 
Sad. But this does indeed happen to otherwise intelligent people.
You know it does.
And I fear it's happening once again -- now.

1 comment:

  1. Very good Dan. I try to explain the dynamics of relationships to my kids to save them the pain I have suffered. But it's no use. Love (or more usually infatuation) is blind and we all have to make our mistakes to gain wisdom.
