Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Brad Pitt's Mom Supports Romney, Gets Death Threats

How liberals (who piously preach "tolerance') treat those who disagree with them: You may recall that Brad Pitt‘s mother, Jane Pitt, made headlines recently for writing a letter to the newspaper in which she voiced her support for Mitt Romney. Now, Mrs. Pitt is receiving a ton of taunts and death threats over her letter. As Twitchy (which has compiled a list of Tweets regarding Pitt’s letter) notes, some online are advocating that the actor’s mother “eat a dick” (among other genitalia) for her comments. Others are reportedly calling for her to be killed. The reports say that unfortunately, Mrs. Pitt “has been scared into silence by the hate-filled, vulgar and even violent reaction” to her letter. So much for tolerance, understanding and diversity of thought.

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