Friday, July 20, 2012

Christie: Heckler Used Profanities In Front Of Kids

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie says he confronted a man who heckled him on the boardwalk in Seaside Heights because the man used profanities in front of children.
Here's an excerpt from the statehouse blog Capitol Quickies with Christie's explanation
Gov. Chris Christie said today that he doesn’t regret hollering at a heckler he says called him profane things in front of his children on the Seaside Heights boardwalk two weeks ago.
A video of the incident — which doesn’t include the line that sparked Christie to walk down the boardwalk in the man’s direction, shouting “you’re a real big shot shootin’ your mouth off” — was made public by the website TMZ on July 6, the afternoon after the incident.
“I have no regrets about it at all,” Christie said.
Christie said he would not have responded if he was alone or even with his older children but that he wasn’t going to allow a string of profanities to pass without a response in front of his 11-year-old son, Patrick, his 9-year-old daughter, Bridget, and their friends.
The Governor's explanation certainly makes sense to me. Click here to read more.

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