Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Iran Divestiture Signing Hailed By Sen. Kean

Legislation authored by New Jersey Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean, Jr. (R- Union) denying public contracts to contractors that do business in Iran has been signed by Governor Christie.

Formerly S-1304, the new law forbids awarding state and local public contracts to any person or entity that invests in Iran's energy or finance sectors.

"Those who invest in sectors of the Iranian economy that strengthen President Ahmadinejad's dictatorial regime are financially supporting a state sponsor of terrorism and human rights abuses," said Senator Kean. "New Jersey has a long and proud history of supporting the international community's efforts to combat oppression, torture, and terrorism by hitting rogue regimes where the pain is most acute: their treasuries. This law builds upon that tradition."

Kean noted that the United States government has a similar contracting ban in place at the federal level, as do a variety of allied nations. Kean's legislation was signed on the same day that the Obama Administration announced additional U.S. sanctions on Iranian oil and financial sectors.

"Iran is a major threat not only to our security, but to that of our allies like Israel," he stated. "Any person or entity who turns a blind eye to that threat should have no claim to public dollars in New Jersey."

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