Friday, July 6, 2012

Joblessness: Cruel Hoax Of Obamanomics

Unemployment stuck above 8% once again -- that's more than 41 straight months of 8%+ unemployment under President Obama.
Today's June jobless figure shows that Obamanomics is simply not producing enough jobs. In fact, after these 41 months of failure we would have to produce 250,000 new jobs a month for five years to dig out of the hole we're in. Imagine how far we've fallen!
And here's one of the saddest things of all: The jobless rate for blacks (14%) and Hispanics (11%) remains stuck in double-digits.
Manufacturing is down.
Our exports are lagging.
Retail sales are sluggish.
Family income has taken an enormous hit.
And when you count the underemployed the jobless rate is actually closer to 15%.
These figures are not good. Not good at all. In fact, they're dismal.
And they prove that Hope 'n Change has turned out to be nothing more than bait 'n switch.

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