Saturday, July 21, 2012

Naked Bike Ride Announces Philly Events 7/22, 8/25

Here is a special message from the folks at the Philly Naked Bike Ride about upcoming events including an event tomorrow (Sunday) and the Naked Bike Ride itself which is scheduled for August 25:

Hi there everyone!

We at the Philly Naked Bike Ride are incredibly impressed by how many of you are so committed to biking this summer, despite the outrageous heat! You are all an inspiration and we are so proud to live in the same city as you!

We are also getting super revved up for PNBR 2012 - only a little more than a month until August 25! We can’t wait to let loose, have fun and enjoy the biggest group ride on the East Coast.

Are you excited, too? Come join us this Sunday (July 22)  for......

The first ever PNBR Bike Wash and Rider Warmer!
(otherwise known as the PNBRBWRW)

The fun will happen this Sunday, 12pm-4pm at Cosmic Cafe - the boathouse closest to the Art Museum - on the Schuylkill River Bike Trail. Come over and we’ll make your baby shine for a donation of $4-$8.
We’ll also be hanging out, eating snacks, and getting psyched about the ride in general.

If you come to the Bike Wash you also get first dibs on official
PNBR Bike Lights
Custom printed with the PNBR logo they’re a steal compared to regular lights at only $5 each. Look for Caroline, our Medical Team leader extraordinaire who will have a pretty sign and maybe even a table set up.

Let us know you’ll be there:

Volunteering with Philly Naked Bike Ride 2012

We know it all looks so simple, but every year a ton of people come together to make the Philly Naked Bike Ride the life-changing event that it is. Want to help make it happen? Send an email to with your name, email address and how you would like to help out.

Here’s what’s needed to make this ride a success:

Street Team members  – to help keep the column organized, bank traffic, direct riders
Outreach Team members – to make sure everyone knows all the important info and answer their questions
Medical Team  members - to help riders who fall off their bikes or get dehydrated
Mechanical Team members - to help do bike tune ups before the ride and do quick fixes during the ride
Body Guards –to ward off creeps, ride near some of our more vulnerable riders to make sure no one harasses them and to help them feel comfortable and safe
Body Paint managers - to help set up privacy areas and manage paint distribution
Runners –to  help with last minute specific assistance
Beautification Posse– to help clean up after riders at the starting point, help leave things the way we found them
People with Cars - to help us get supplies to and from the starting point

Once again, if you’re interested in helping out, please send an email to Thank you in advance!

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