Monday, July 9, 2012

Obama Breaks Promise With New Tax Hike Scheme

"President Obama’s response to even more bad economic news is a massive tax increase. It just proves again that the President doesn't have a clue how to get America working again and help the middle class. The President's latest bad idea is to raise taxes on families, job creators, and small businesses. Almost half a million fewer Americans are working today than the day Barack Obama took office, and we've just come through the worst job creation quarter in two years. Unlike President Obama, Governor Romney understands that the last thing we need to do in this economy is raise taxes on anyone. He has a plan to permanently lower marginal rates, help middle-class Americans save and invest, and jumpstart economic growth and job creation.” –Andrea Saul, Romney Campaign Spokesperson

Leading Democrats From Across The Country Have Voiced Skepticism For President Obama’s Massive Tax Hike Plan:
“Former President Bill Clinton Told CNBC Tuesday That The US Economy Already Is In A Recession And Urged Congress To Extend All The Tax Cuts Due To Expire At The End Of The Year.” (Jeff Cox, “US Already in 'Recession,' Extend Tax Cuts: Bill Clinton,” CNBC, 6/5/12)

Former Obama & Clinton Economic Advisor Larry Summers “Came Out Against The President’s Position” On Tax Hikes. “Another ally of President Obama on Wednesday came out against the president's position that tax rates on the wealthiest Americans should rise next year. Lawrence Summers, who led the White House National Economic Council in early years of the Obama administration, said Congress should temporarily extend tax cuts set to expire at the end of the year.” (Corbett B. Daly, “Summers Backs Extension Of Bush Tax Cuts,” CBS News, 6/6/12)

Democratic Senators Jim Webb And Ben Nelson Both Oppose Raising Taxes On Any Income Brackets Next Year. “Retiring Sen. Jim Webb (D-Va.) is holding fast to his position that tax rates should not be raised on any income brackets, and retiring Sen. Ben Nelson (D-Neb.) says that is his position as well, though he appears more flexible on the issue.” (Alexander Bolton, “Senate Dems Balk At Ending Bush-Era Tax Rates On Wealthy Without A Deficit Deal,” The Hill, 6/19/12)

Democratic Senators Jon Tester And Joe Manchin “Have Declined To Endorse” President Obama’s Tax Hike Plan. “At least seven Democratic senators have declined to rule out supporting a temporary extension of the Bush-era income tax rates, breaking with party leaders who have called for letting the rates expire for people earning more than $1 million per year. … Democrats running for reelection, such as Sens. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) and Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), have declined to endorse their leadership’s call for a tax increase on wealthy families.” (Alexander Bolton, “Senate Dems Balk At Ending Bush-Era Tax Rates On Wealthy Without A Deficit Deal,” The Hill, 6/19/12)

Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) “Said She Is Willing To Consider A Temporary Extension Of All Bush Tax Cuts In The Spirit Of Compromise.” “Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), who has faced a deluge of attack ads by outside groups in her reelection campaign, said she is willing to consider a temporary extension of all Bush tax cuts in the spirit of compromise.” (Alexander Bolton, “Senate Dems Balk At Ending Bush-Era Tax Rates On Wealthy Without A Deficit Deal,” The Hill, 6/19/12)

Senator Bill Nelson (D-FL) “Would Not Rule Out An Extension Of All The Tax Rates.” “At least seven Democratic senators have declined to rule out supporting a temporary extension of the Bush-era income tax rates, breaking with party leaders who have called for letting the rates expire for people earning more than $1 million per year. … Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.), another vulnerable incumbent, likewise would not rule out an extension of all the tax rates.” (Alexander Bolton, “Senate Dems Balk At Ending Bush-Era Tax Rates On Wealthy Without A Deficit Deal,” The Hill, 6/19/12)

Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) Said “It Might Make Some Sense” To Avoid Any Tax Hikes In The Short Term. “Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-N.D.), a member of the Gang of Six, said in an interview that it “might make some sense” to extend all the taxes in the short term if lawmakers need more time to fundamentally reform the current corporate and individual tax system. ‘But on a short-term basis, … I think something like that is going to have to be done,’ he said of a temporary tax cut.” (Manu Raju, “Secret Talks Under Way About 'Fiscal Cliff,’” Politico, 6/6/12)

Representative Jim Matheson (D-UT) Has Said He Will Vote For A Temporary Extension Of All Current Tax Rates. “U.S. Rep. Jim Matheson said Monday that he would vote for a temporary extension of the Bush-era tax cuts before they expire at year’s end. ‘I’m going to vote to extend them,’ the Utah Democrat said. ‘In a tough economy, you want to be careful about significantly reducing spending or increasing taxes.’ Matheson’s position puts him at odds with President Barack Obama.” (Robert Gehrke, “Matheson Backes Extending Bush Tax Cuts, The Salt Lake Tribune,6/11/12)

Democrats Understand What President Obama Once Understood – “You Don’t Raise Taxes In A Recession”:

President Obama, In 2009: “The Last Thing You Want To Do Is To Raise Taxes In The Middle Of A Recession…” OBAMA: “So he is absolutely right, the last thing you want to do is to raise taxes in the middle of a recession because that would just suck up — take more demand out of the economy and put businesses in a further hole.” (“Obama: We Must ‘Help Elkhart Reinvent Itself’,” MSNBC, 8/5/09)

President Obama: “You Don’t Raise Taxes In A Recession.” OBAMA: “Normally, you don't raise taxes in a recession, which is why we haven't and why we have instead cut taxes. So I guess what I would say to Scott is his economics are right, you don't raise taxes in a recession. We haven't raised taxes in a recession.” (“Obama: We Must ‘Help Elkhart Reinvent Itself’,” MSNBC, 8/5/09)

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