Thursday, July 26, 2012

Obama's Slipping In Polls, As Romney Gains

Nationally, Romney Is Leading

CBS News/The New York Times Poll: Romney Is Leading Obama 47-46 Percent. “President Obama and Mitt Romney are effectively tied in the race for the presidency, according to a new CBS News/New York Times survey. Forty-seven percent of registered voters nationwide who lean towards a candidate back Romney, while 46 percent support the president. Four percent are undecided. The one percentage point difference is within the survey’s three point margin of error.”(Brian Montopoli, “Obama, Romney In Dead Heat In Presidential Race,” CBS News, 7/18/12)
Rasmussen Reports: Romney Leads Obama 47-46 Percent. (Rasmussen Reports, 1500 LV, MoE 3%, 7/18/12)
McClatchy-Marist Poll: 48 Percent Of Independents Back Romney, Compared To 44 Percent Who Back Obama. (McClatchy-Marist Poll, 849 RV, MoE 3.5%, 7/9-11/12)

As Voters Disapprove Of Obama’s Job Performance

Fox News Poll: 49 Percent Of Voters Disapprove Of President Obama’s Job Performance, While 47 Percent Approve. (Fox News Poll, 901 RV, MoE 3%, 7/15-7/17/12)
  • 47 Percent Of Independent Voters Disapprove Of President Obama’s Job Performance, While 45 Percent Approve. (Fox News Poll, 901 RV, MoE 3%, 7/15-7/17/12)
National Public Radio Poll: 50 Percent Of Independent Voters Disapprove Of President Obama’s Job Performance, While 43 Percent Approve. (National Public Radio Poll, 309 R, MoE 5.58%, 7/9-7/12/12)
CBS News/The New York Times Poll: 46 Percent Of Voters Disapprove Of Obama’s Job Performance, While 44 Percent Approve. “Mr. Obama’s overall approval rating stands at 44 percent, with 46 percent disapproving.” (Brian Montopoli, “Obama, Romney In Dead Heat In Presidential Race,” CBS News, 7/18/12)
McClatchy-Marist Poll:47 Percent Of Independent Voters Disapprove Of Obama’s Job Performance, While 44 Percent Approve. (McClatchy-Marist Poll, 849 RV, MoE 3.5%, 7/9-11/12)

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