Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Our Hope: The Fourth And America's Sunny Nature

The Fourth of July means little children on decorated tricycles in local parades. It means food, fun, family and fireworks. It symbolizes love of country and devotion to duty, honor and the cause of liberty.
It's fitting that this grand day arrives at the beginning of summer, for summer is truly America's season. We are an outdoor nation: sunny, spacious, free, adventurous and perpetually optimistic.,
When we celebrate our nation's birthday we reaffirm our faith in America and everything it stands for. We confirm our belief that God did indeed "shed his grace on thee."
When we celebrate this day we make this promise to ourselves: That we will always remember that America's cause is just, it's heart is mighty, it's spirit is true and it's best days are still ahead of it.
My prayer this day is that God will continue to bless and protect this great country so all children who celebrate the Fourth will understand and enjoy it's wonderful freedoms for generations to come.

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