Friday, July 13, 2012

Penn State Football: What Happens Now?

The Freeh Report makes it clear that there was a "consciousness of wrongdoing" at the highest levels at Penn State. The report is devastating. Devastating. 
Paterno. Spanier. Schultz. Curley -- everyone involved -- must be prepared to face the full force of the law. Yes, Paterno is gone but his name and reputation are in shambles. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
Certainly, the NCAA should extract a high price from the Penn State football program and one must question whether Penn State should even have a football season this year and maybe even beyond that.
On a broader note this unpardonable scheme and coverup is reflective of the corrosive role of sports in our society -- a mindless obsession that has ballooned all out of control -- not just in academia but everywhere, from little league right on through the pros.
Our thirst for the bloodlust of organized sports has invaded every aspect of our lives and is perverting our priorities and blinding us to what's really important. Sports today is not only a huge, invasive, oppressive business; in its outrageous excess -- at every level -- it has also become a sickness.
Sad. Distorted. Deranged.

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