Saturday, July 14, 2012

Rendell: Obama's Attacks On Romney 'Go Too Far'

“Yesterday, former Governor Ed Rendell had the courage to do what President Obama would not: admit the Obama campaign’s baseless and unsubstantiated attacks on Mitt Romney went too far. President Obama may talk about a different kind of politics and bringing people together, but it’s just another broken promise from a president who has failed to keep so many.” –Ryan Williams, Romney Spokesman

Former Pennsylvania Governor And DNC Chair Ed Rendell: Obama’s Attacks Go “Too Far”
Rendell: The Obama Campaign’s Attacks Hurt The President’s “Brand” And Go “Too Far.” RENDELL: “I think Carol also made a very good point about all this attack may be hurting the President's brand a little bit, too. I think our supporters went a little bit too far with the felony business.” (MSNBC’s “NOW With Alex Wagner,” 7/13/12)

Click Here To Watch Governor Rendell's Comments

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