Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Romney: Obama Tax Hike Hurts Small Business

So successful small businesses will see their taxes go up dramatically and that will kill jobs. That will be another kick in the gut to the middle class in America. We just saw a terrible jobs report just last week, and now to add a higher tax on job creators and on small business is about the worst thing I can imagine to do if you want to create jobs.” – Mitt Romney

The John Fredericks Show
1650 AM
Hampton Roads, Virginia

Click Here To Listen To Mitt Romney Discuss President Obama’s Plan To Raise Taxes

MITT ROMNEY: “What the President is proposing is therefore a massive tax increase on job creators and on small business. Small businesses are overwhelmingly being taxed not at a corporate rate, but at the individual tax rate. So successful small businesses will see their taxes go up dramatically and that will kill jobs. That will be another kick in the gut to the middle class in America. We just saw a terrible jobs report just last week, and now to add a higher tax on job creators and on small business is about the worst thing I can imagine to do if you want to create jobs.”

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