Friday, July 6, 2012

Video: The Very, Very Best Of Chris Christie

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's You Tube page has had five million views. Yes, five million!
Is there any wonder why?
Chris Christie has done more in less than three years than Barack Obama could ever do in four, eight, ten or even 12 years. And unlike Barack Obama Chris Christie says it, means it, and does it.
He does not mince words.
And he doesn't whine about having a House and Senate controlled by the other party. He's willing to work across the aisle but he does not suffer fools gladly.
To Chris Christie a tax is a tax no matter what you call it and he can sniff out a tax in a zillion-word document. Unlike Barack Obama, Chris Christie doesn't coddle special interests. He identifies them quickly and succinctly and he confronts them vigorously and fights until he wins.
And unlike Obama, Christie brings a refreshing human element to the job. He never takes himself too seriously. He knows how to laugh at himself. He admits his mistakes. And he's comfortable with himself, with the state he leads and with the people of that state.
In fact, Chris Christie is a genuine people person. He's remarkably approachable and engaging.
But don't try to take advantage of the Big Guy and don't cross him unless you're ready to rumble.
What you see is what you get.
And this is why Chris Christie remains the single most compelling public figure in America today.
We luv ya, Guv!

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