Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Biright Future: A Galaxy Of 22 Rising GOP Stars!

At the GOP Convention last night, from our perch high atop the area we were once again struck by the array of bright, new Republican stars from all over the nation: men and women of every color and ethnicity.
Look at the lineup of new GOP luminaries:

Mia Love - future GOP Congresswoman from Utah.

Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers of Washington.

Senator Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire.

Governor John Kasich of Ohio

Governor Mary Fallin of Oklahoma

Governor Bob McDonnell of Virginia

Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin

Govenor Brian Sandoval of Nevada

Future Senator Ted Cruz of Texas

Former Congressman (and former Obama supporter) Artur Davis of Alabama

Governor Nikki Haley of South Carolina

Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey

Governor Susana Martinez of New Mexico

Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky

Attorney General Pam Bondi of Florida

Agriculture Secretary and Former Congressman Adam Putnam of Florida

Senator Rob Portman of Ohio

Congressman and Future Senator Connie Mack of Florida

GOP Chair Reince Priebus of Wisconsin

Former Governor Tim Pawlenty of Wisconsin

Congressman Allen West of Florida

Senator Marco Rubio of Florida

No matter how you look at it, this is one helluva impressive list. For the Republican Party, the future looks very, very, bright!

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