Saturday, August 11, 2012

Broad Cross-Section Gives GOP Ticket High Marks

“A Good Pick” … “A Choice To Have A Real Debate” … “Interested In Bold Reforms To Save America”

Former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee: “I'm Excited. … He Has A Sound Knowledge Of Our Economy.” “I'm excited to learn of Mitt Romney's choice of Paul Ryan to be his VP running mate. He has a sound knowledge of our economy.” (, 8/11/12)

Former Representative Joe Sestak (D-PA): “I Think It’s A Good Pick … He’s A Good Guy.” SESTAK: “I think it's a good pick for both campaigns, actually. … I served with Paul Ryan. He’s a good guy. He is a good family man.” (Fox News’ “Fox And Friends,” 8/11/12)

Club For Growth President Chris Chocola: “This Pick Sends The Message That Governor Romney Is Interested In Bold Reforms To Save America From Fiscal Collapse.” (Club For Growth, 8/11/12)

Democratic Strategist Joe Trippi: “I Think This Is A Great Pick. … I Really Think It Is A Chance To Have A Real Debate The Country Needs To Have. … A Bold Choice.” TRIPPI: “I think this is a great pick. It is a pick I would have urged Romney to take. … I really think it is a chance to have a real debate the country needs to have. Regardless of who wins it, I think Ryan helps put the issues, a lot of these issues front and center. Will make the fight on both sides on cuts entitlements and the things we need to have. That's why I really-- I commend Romney on the pick. It was a bold choice.” (Fox News’ “Cavuto On Business,” 8/11/12)

Republican Strategist Ed Rogers: “The Selection Of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) Means Mitt Romney Is Going To Run A Serious, Policy-Oriented Campaign That Highlights Differences With President Obama.” (The Washington Post, 8/11/12)

Republican Strategist Alex Castellanos: Mitt Romney “Picked A Vice President To Help Him Fix The Nation's Business, The Economy.” “[Romney] didn't pick a vice president to help him fix his campaign's business. He picked a vice president to help him fix the nation's business, the economy.” (Politico, 8/11/12)

Democratic Strategist Donna Brazile: “It May Allow Us To Have A Substantive Conversation In Terms Of The Challenges We Face Long-Term In Terms Of Getting Our Fiscal House In Order.” (CNN’s “Newsroom,” 8/11/12)

Republican Strategist Ed Rollins: “It's A Bold Choice. Over Time It's Going To Be An Extraordinary Choice.” ROLLINS: “I think that absolutely right. … It's a bold choice. Over time it's going to be an extraordinary choice.” (Fox News’ “Fox and Friends Saturday,” 8/11/12)

Democratic Strategist Carter Eskew: “But Here's Why I Like The Pick Of Ryan. At Least He Has An Idea … Maybe, Too, Democrats Will Be Forced To Discuss Their Alternative In Greater Detail.” “But here's why I like the pick of Ryan. At least he has an idea … Maybe we can finally have a real discussion of the Republican agenda. And maybe, too, Democrats will be forced to discuss their alternative in greater detail.” (The Washington Post, 8/11/12)

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