Saturday, August 25, 2012

Christie Content In Jersey, Looks To 2013

"As disappointing as it is, I love being here. I love this job. You're just gonna have to live with it."
This is what New Jersey Governor Chris Christie told reporters who have asked him if he was disappointed about not being chosen as Mitt Romney's running mate or if he would consider accepting a cabinet post in the Romney administration.
The answer to both questions was "no." As I told you yesterday, Christie seems absolutely content in his current position and, as ever, he's comfortable with the people of New Jersey and he really does love being Governor of the Garden State.
Just before leaving for the GOP convention in Tampa Christie did one more swing through New Jersey journeying from Newark, through Camden and to the southern New Jersey shore at Sea Isle City. We had a chance to chat with him in our hometown of Camden and he seemed absolutely buoyed by his interactions with his fellow New Jerseyans.
Knowing Chris Christie as we do we have no doubt that he sincerely loves the state that he was born and bred in and his intent is to continue to serve the state. The Governor sees more challenges ahead and he does not like to leave a job unfinished.
Well, 2013 is a re-election year for Christie and though as a good politician he knows the value of keeping his options open, our bet is that he's already gearing up for re-election.
Yes, we know that there's renewed talk that the popular Mayor of Newark may run against Christie and other significant potential challengers have also been mentioned.
But Chris Christie remains a formidable and compelling figure both within New Jersey and beyond. Plus, he's brought the Garden State new prominence and new clout. And we've got a feeling the people of New Jersey like that. They like their new, higher, more positive profile and they like their Governor as well.

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