Saturday, August 4, 2012

Clint Eastwood Backs Mitt Romney For President

America's most bankable star picks Romney: Clint Eastwood officially endorsed Mitt Romney on Friday evening, during a fundraiser for the expected GOP candidate in Sun Valley, Idaho.
According to pool coverage, Eastwood told the crowd that he was backing the Republican candidate because "the country needs a boost."
Eastwood reportedly greeted Romney warmly at the Sun valley event and then took the microphone stating:
"This is very nice to be here today, tonight, today. Let's clear the smoke.
"I was doing a picture in early 2000s called 'Mystic River' in his [Romney's] home state. At that time, Gov. Romney was running for governor. I said, 'God, this guy is too handsome to be governor, but he does look like he could be president.' As the years have gone by, I'm beginning to think even more so that. He's going to restore a decent tax system that we need badly so that there is a fairness and people are not pitted against one another of whose paying taxes and who isn't.
"Also, we don't want anybody taking away the Olympic medals, tax-wise, from the Olympic athletes. The government is talking about getting a couple of nickels. It's now more important than ever that we need Gov. Romney, and I'm going to be voting for him as I know most of you will be. ... We've got to just spread the word and get the whole country behind this."

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