Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Guadagno Visists 'Jersey Fresh' Food Products Plant

Recognizing the vital role New Jersey’s food product companies are playing in the New Jersey Comeback, Acting Governor Kim Guadagno today visited Comarco Products in Camden to get a first-hand look at the firm’s food processing operation. Comarco Products provide America’s restaurateurs and institutions with ‘Jersey Fresh’ eggplant products and grilled and fire-roasted vegetables, as well as prepared sausage, peppers and onion meals. The company also produces ‘Sauceables,’ which are frozen pellets of marinara, alfredo, butter and creamy butter sauces. In addition, Comarco custom manufactures restaurants’ specialty sauces.

“Food and agriculture is essential to our state’s economy as our third largest industry, only behind pharmaceuticals and tourism. Agribusiness brings billions of dollars in revenue to the state and provides good-paying jobs for our families,” said Acting Governor Guadagno. “The growth of companies like Comarco is proof that New Jersey provides a strong and improving environment to locate and grow a business. Businesses in New Jersey can have the confidence that the Christie Administration will continue taking every possible step to strengthen New Jersey’s climate for job creation, business growth and investment.”

The company purchased the current building and site located in Camden in 1989. Since that time, they expanded the plant on five different occasions and have made provisions for future expansions.

Comarco’s eggplant products feature ‘Jersey Fresh’ eggplant thanks to a connection made by the Department of Agriculture between the company and Vineland eggplant farmer Kevin Flaim. The department connected Comarco with Vineland grower Kevin Flaim of Flaim Farms, a large producer of eggplant and other vegetables to supply some of the 6.5 million pounds of eggplant Comarco processes each year. In addition, Comarco is participating in the New Jersey Department of Agriculture’s efforts to bring more Jersey Fresh products into school meals through the Farm to School Program. In fact, the company’s Jersey eggplant rollatini has been selected for use in school lunches.

“Comarco Products is proud to partake in these partnerships as it is a win-win-win for all parties, including the employees of Comarco,” said Comarco President Tom Hoversen. “More than 80 percent of Comarco employees are Camden City residents.”
New Jersey produces more than 100 kinds of fruits and vegetables and ranks among the nation’s largest producers of blueberries, cranberries, peaches, tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, snap beans, spinach, and squash. The state’s 10,300 farms generated sales of about $1.1 billion in 2011. This includes nursery and greenhouse plants, sod, fruits and vegetables, field crops, equine, poultry and eggs, and dairy.

The New Jersey Partnership for Action (PFA) supports the vital role business plays in advancing the state’s economy and creating jobs. Led by Lt. Governor Guadagno, the PFA is a three-pronged public-private approach to economic development and the starting point for all initiatives, policies, and efforts to grow New Jersey’s economy and create quality, sustainable jobs in our communities. The three elements of the PFA include the Business Action Center, reporting directly to the Lt. Governor and providing the business community with a single point of contact, applying a proactive, customer-service approach to businesses’ interactions with State government; the New Jersey Economic Development Authority, serving as the state’s “bank for business”; and Choose New Jersey, an independently funded and operated 501(c)(3) not-for-profit corporation created to encourage and nurture economic growth throughout New Jersey.

Businesses considering a move or in need of assistance are encouraged to call New Jersey’s Business Action Center at (866) 534-7789 or visit the State’s Business Portal at

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