Sunday, August 26, 2012

Help Cardinal Newman Society Promote Catholic Values

Here is a special message from the Cardinal Newman Society:

A serious scandal has been averted... at least in part!

Thanks to God, and to your prayers and support for The Cardinal Newman Society's work...

...Loyola Marymount University (LMU) appears to have canceled its fundraiser for the plaintiffs in a Supreme Court case to legalize same-sex "marriage."

It's difficult to imagine a more blatant betrayal of the Church!

But our work is not done...

...because LMU still plans to present a student and faculty reading of the play "8", which promotes gay "marriage"--just without collecting donations.

And there is more to come!  As the 2012-13 academic year is just getting started, so are the scandals at wayward Catholic colleges.

I am writing to urge your help in alerting Catholic families, the media and Catholic blogs, and the bishops about the LMU travesty and similar concerns.  By "shining the light," we can do much to put an end to such scandals!

Please pass on the following details to others.  And please...

...your prayers and immediate donation can help us expose this scandal and others, while assisting college leaders to renew faithful Catholic higher education.

So what's the story with LMU?  You may recall that California voters approved "Proposition 8" four years ago to defend marriage.  Outrageously, two San Francisco judges struck down the law this year.

The Catholic bishops condemned the ruling, and Cardinal Timothy Dolan lamented:

"The people of California deserve better.  Our nation deserves better.  Marriage deserves better."

Well, the same could be said of Loyola Marymount University.

The organization behind the lawsuit against Proposition 8, now headed to the U.S. Supreme Court, is the American Foundation for Equal Rights (AFER), an aggressive opponent of traditional marriage laws.

So how can it be possible that a Jesuit Catholic university planned to raise funds for this radical group, and will present a play that advocates same-sex "marriage"?

Sadly, it's true.  On September 7, the university will present the pro-gay "marriage" play "8" on its Los Angeles campus.  And yes, it originally announced that it would collect donations for AFER.

This week, The Cardinal Newman Society contacted LMU's president and public affairs office to inform them that we intended to expose their plans, but hoped they might cancel the event.  Yesterday LMU changed the event description and erased any mention of fundraising, but the play is still scheduled for September 7...

...unless we can put a stop to it!  For 19 years, The Cardinal Newman Society has stood for fidelity and authentic Catholic identity by "shining the light" on Catholic campuses, with documented success.

Our campaigns have led to significant declines in scandalous commencement speakers and Vagina Monologues performances... prompted two secularized colleges to drop the "Catholic" label... and spurred on reforms at other Catholic colleges.

It would be a welcome irony, if in response to LMU's attempted fundraiser, you would generously offer your prayers and your immediate donation to The Cardinal Newman Society.

If you can send a contribution today, your gift will support:

...our professional team of investigative reporters, who follow developments in Catholic higher education that no one else is covering;

...our Campus Notes blog, which reports on college developments like the LMU scandal and hopeful reforms;

...our Newman Guide which helps families identify faithful Catholic colleges; and

...our ongoing work with college leaders to renew and strengthen Catholic education.

With regard to the LMU incident, we are already communicating with LMU's president and public affairs office, with the continued hope they might put a stop to this play.

And we have also alerted the appropriate bishops, informing them who is behind this scandal.

Incredibly, it is not just a few rogue professors behind this event!  A University office and entire academic departments are to blame.

Sponsors include the LMU Faculty and Staff Gay-Straight Network (which is officially recognized by the University), the Department of Communication Studies, and the Department of Theater Arts and Dance.

The Office of LGBT Student Services, which organizes social events for homosexual students, also was advertised as an original co-sponsor and the primary contact for the play.  But after The Cardinal Newman Society raised concerns...

...LMU quietly removed LGBT Student Services from the sponsor list and deleted contact information for the LGBT Services director.

This may be a desperate attempt to represent the play as an academic event sponsored only by faculty, and somehow protected by academic freedom.

They can run from the truth, but they can't hide the stain of this scandal!

With your help, I promise that The Cardinal Newman Society will remain vigilant and "shine the light" while promoting authentic Catholic education.

And I promise to keep you updated on the LMU situation.

In the meantime, would you please help us start this academic year on a strong footing, with an immediate donation and a prayer that God will continue to bless this important work?

Thank you so very much, and may God bless you!

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Patrick J. Reilly
Founder & President
The Cardinal Newman Society

P.S.  Want to help?  I'd be most grateful for three things: 1) your generous support to keep us going, 2) your prayers for LMU and The Cardinal Newman Society, and 3) your effort to forward this e-mail to others who need to know.  Thank you!

[Donations can also be mailed to: The Cardinal Newman Society,
9720 Capital Ct., Ste. 201, Manassas, Virginia 20110]

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