Monday, August 6, 2012

How You Can Help Mitt Romney. Do It Now!

When faced with the grim prospect of losing hundreds of millions of hard-earned taxpayer dollars on President Obama's dangerous Solyndra gamble, what was the White House Deputy Senior Adviser's response?


I wonder if that was also her reaction to learning that Americans have now suffered through a 42nd straight month of unemployment above 8 percent. Or to the news that economic growth remains sluggish, a testament to the failure of President Obama's government-centered policies.

The White House's risky Solyndra wager proved yet again that Barack Obama cares more about saving his own job and his own image than he does about creating jobs for the 23 million people who are still struggling for work.

Americans deserve a leader in the White House who will put job creation and economic growth first. Mitt Romney has the right plan and the right experience to grow and strengthen the middle class.

Donate $10 today to tell Barack Obama you don't want another four years of his failed policies and bad bets:

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