Friday, August 3, 2012

Life Under Obama: Headlines Tell The Story

New Emails Revealed The Obama White House’s Failure To Protect Taxpayers From Solyndra’s Failure:

  • The Washington Post: “White House Analyst Warned Saving Solyndra Could Cost More Than Letting It Fail” (The Washington Post, 8/1/12)
  • Politico: “Report: Lew May Have Ignored Warnings On Solyndra” (Politico, 8/2/12)
  • ABC News: “Solyndra Report: Obama Admin. Restructured Loan Because Of PR Concerns” (ABC News, 8/2/12)
  • Bloomberg: “Budget Aide Warned Deal To Save Solyndra Could Cost U.S. More” (Bloomberg, 8/2/12)
  • Reuters: “Obama Admin. Knew Was Cheaper To Cut Off Solyndra-Republicans” (Reuters, 8/2/12)
  • The Washington Times: “Emails: Solyndra Took Sales Pitch Directly To Obama” (The Washington Times, 8/2/12)
  • Politico: “Solyndra Report May Implicate Lew, Washington Post Writes” (Politico, 8/2/12)
  • The Hill: “Report: White House Budget Analysts Feared Solyndra Loan Risks” (The Hill, 8/2/12)
  • Fox News: “Probe Faults ‘Pressure’ To Promote Stimulus In $535m Solyndra Loan Approval” (Fox News, 8/2/12)
  • The Associated Press: “Report Says Warnings Ignored In Solyndra Loan” (The Associated Press, 8/2/12)
  • Politico: “Solyndra Report Email: 'POTUS Involvement Was Rahm's Idea'” (Politico, 8/2/12)
  • The Washington Examiner: “Taxpayers To Recover Only $24 Million From Solyndra” (The Washington Examiner, 8/2/12)
  • Daily Caller: “Obama’s ‘Bank Of Washington’ Applauded By Solyndra CEO In Email” (Daily Caller, 8/2/12)
  • BuzzFeed: “White House On Solyndra Failure: ‘Ugh’” (BuzzFeed, 8/2/12)

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