Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Military Grops To Obama: Don't Restrict Voting Right

Fifteen military groups spoke out in opposition to the Obama Administration’s federal lawsuit to restrict military voting in Ohio.
“Members of the U.S. Armed Forces risk their lives to keep this nation safe and defend the fundamental constitutional right to vote,” the military groups said in in their request to intervene in the case.
“The Obama campaign’s and Democratic National Committee’s argument that it is arbitrary and unconstitutional to afford special consideration, flexibility, and accommodations to military voters to make it easier for them to vote in person is not only offensive, but flatly wrong as a matter of law,” the groups said.
BTW, Obama's mouthpiece David Axelrod has basically admitted the validity of the suit, stating: he “absolutely” agrees that “members of the military who are serving this country deserve special consideration to vote.”

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