Friday, August 10, 2012

Nonnan: Romney Needs To Fight Back, Hard

Peggy Noonan is out with another great column, this time calling for Romney to respond to the Obama team's latest ads by showing some teeth. Here's an excerpt:
The pro-Obama Super PAC ad that essentially blames Mitt Romney for a woman's death from cancer is over the line, and if it's allowed to stand the personal attacks that have marked the presidential campaign will probably get worse. If the president rebukes the PAC and renounces the ad—and he should, and he'd look better doing it than not doing it—then we'll all know there's an ethical floor below which things can't sink. The ad was a mistake for a number of reasons, one being that it makes the president look perfidious and weak: "Mudslinging is all we've got." It also may finally injure his much vaunted likability ratings.
Click here to read more.

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