Saturday, August 11, 2012

Romney's Announcement Of His VP Pick

Excerpts from Mitt Romney's introduction of his running mate:

"Today we take another step forward in helping to restore the promise of America.

"[Paul Ryan's] leadership begins with character and values . . . he internalized the virtues and hard-working ethic of the midwest.

"He's a person of great steadiness . . . he doesn't demonize his opponents . . . and he appeals to the 'better angels of our nature' . . . Others may disagree with him but I don;t know anybody who doesn't respect his character and judgement.

"A faithful catholic, Paul believes in the worth and dignity of every human life.

"He combines a profound sense of responsibility for what we owe the next generation with a sense of optimism and belief in America.

"We're offering a positive, governing agenda that will provide foe economic growth.

"We offer solutions that are bold, specific and achievable. We offer our commitment to create 12 million new jobs.

"We'll release our energy resources to achieve North American energy independence.

"Unlike the current President who's cut Medicare by $700 billion we will preserve and protect Medicare and Medicaid.

"Today's a good day for America, and there are better days ahead.

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