Sunday, August 12, 2012

Runyan On Why We Need Romney And Ryan

Here is a special message from Congressman Jon Runyan:

During my brief time in Congress, I have seen firsthand what a smart, serious and solutions-oriented leader Paul Ryan is and I am proud to call him my friend. Governor Romney knows that we cannot continue down the irresponsible path of raising taxes on working families, small businesses and seniors to pay for the runaway spending and borrowing of career politicians in Washington.

I strongly support his decision to pick Congressman Ryan and look forward to working with them to end business as usual in Washington and bring about the economic and fiscal reforms we need to create jobs and balance the budget.

Like America's Comback Team, I am fighting to restore fiscal responsibility to Washington, and to promote a better environment for job creation and growing our economy. Like them, I need your help. 

to make a contribution of $250, $100, $50, $25 or whatever you can afford, or please consider volunteering for the campaign here in the 3rd District.  CLICK HERE to learn about how to get involved.



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