Friday, September 28, 2012

Addiego Appointed To Casino Revenue Fund C'ssn.

New Jersey State Senator Dawn Marie Addiego (R-8) has been appointed as a member of the Casino Revenue Fund Advisory Commission. The 15 member commission, which includes four legislators, provides recommendations to the New Jersey Legislature on the utilization of a portion of casino revenues dedicated to programs for senior and disabled residents.
“One of the reasons New Jersey established gaming was to generate new sources of income that could be reinvested in our communities to improve the lives of our residents,” said Addiego. “It’s an honor to have been appointed to the Commission where I will have the opportunity to make important decisions on how best to fund healthcare, transportation and housing services for New Jersey residents in need.”
The appointment of Addiego to the Commission was announced on Monday, September 24, 2012 by Senate President Stephen Sweeney following a recommendation by Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean. Addiego participated in her first meeting of the Commission on Friday, September 28, 2012.
“With a budget of nearly $300 million, the Casino Revenue Fund (CRF) provides critical funding to long-term care programs, housing for those with developmental disabilities and Pharmaceutical Assistance to the Aged and Disabled (PAAD),” added Addiego. “More than $20 million is dedicated to providing transportation services for senior and disabled residents. These safety net programs provide assistance to many people who have no where else to turn. It’s an honor to have the opportunity to not only sustain those programs, but to help them grow stronger.”

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