Monday, September 10, 2012

Christie Announces Agreement On 9/11 Museum

Governor Chris Christie this evening released the following statement on the agreement to move construction forward at the national 9/11 Museum:                                                                                                                         

“On the eve of the solemn commemoration of our greatest national tragedy, I am gratified to be a part of a unified commitment and agreement with Governor Cuomo and Mayor Bloomberg to immediately resume around the clock construction at the 9/11 Museum. The delays were understandably frustrating for many, particularly the families, friends and loved ones of all the 9/11 victims. Yet, our mission to provide an enduring, deeply meaningful tribute to the victims and our collective national memory for what was endured by all of us eleven years ago never wavered. Working together, we will now move this project forward with conviction but also with proper transparency and oversight and at no further costs to tollpayers and taxpayers.”

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