Saturday, September 22, 2012

Don't Be Fooled By Obamatons

The dominant media are trying desperately to advance the notion that even if Mitt Romney leads in some of the national polls (and he does) it sill doesn't mean a thing because, according to them Obama is pulling ahead in the all-important swing stars.
Don't believe it.
For one thing, not all polls are created equal. And most of the polls that the
media are reporting now are over-sampling Democrats. That means they are including far more Democrats in their sample than will actually vote in November.
A poll that is not properly weighted to reflect the expected eventual turnout is a skewed poll.
And don't forget this: There are still more than six weeks of campaigning, four debates and zillions of dollars in advertising yet to go in this race. In politics, six weeks is an eternity.
It's worth noting as well that in 1980 Ronald Reagan trailed Jimmy Cater well into October. It wasn't until the last few days of the campaign that Reagan really broke though and took the lead. In the end, he won handily -- something that none of the pollsters, pundits or always-left-leaning dominant media really foresaw.
This year the media are HEAVILY invested in the re-election of President Obama. So, be careful who you watch, listen to and read and what you believe as that may come to diffuse your own view of reality.

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