Sunday, September 30, 2012

Govenor Christie Honors Fallen Military Heroes

Governor Chris Christie issued the following statement today in recognition of Parents of Fallen Military Sons And Daughters Day
“Today, we take the opportunity to honor and recognize the families of our fallen servicemen and servicewomen.  For any parent, the thought of losing a child is an unthinkable and impossible prospect to begin to grapple with.  Turning that loss into a resolve to support and advocate on behalf of fellow military families, as so many parents of fallen heroes do, is something that continues to awe and inspire Mary Pat and me every single day.  The strength, courage, and resiliency of those parents who have lost a child in the service of our country not only speak to our values as a nation, but affirm our obligation and responsibility to honor and support them.”

In 2011, Governor Christie signed legislation creating the Gold Star Family license plate for families of fallen service members who lost their lives while serving on active duty for the United States.
Governor Christie also proclaimed today “Parents Of Fallen Military Sons And Daughters Day” throughout New Jersey.

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