Monday, September 10, 2012

Kean Tells Sweeney: Advance Needed NJ Legislation

Joined by his colleagues in the Republican Caucus, New Jersey Senate Republican Leader Tom Kean, Jr. has sent a letter to Senate President Stephen Sweeney asking that several pieces of legislation dealing with tax relief, government reform, and child protection be posted for a vote during the chamber's fall legislative session.

"With a gubernatorial election looming and every seat in the legislature up for grabs next year, it is likely that the electoral 'Silly Season' will grind Trenton to a standstill next year," said Kean. "We hope that's not the case, but Senate Republicans are preparing for the worst based on past sessions. While certainly not an exhaustive list of our priorities, the bills we are asking be moved are relevant to the challenges facing our state and should garner broad support if considered on their merits. Many have prominent Democrat sponsors such as Majority Leader Weinberg."

The proposals sent to the Senate President have either gained bi-partisan support or have received no reasonable opposition by Senate Democrats. All have minimal or no impact on the state budget.

"Elected to represent roughly 3.5 million people, my caucus is committed to reforming government, lowering our state's anti-competitive tax burden and protecting our children from predators," Kean continued. "And just as this caucus has partnered with our Democratic colleagues when common-ground existed on bills they've sponsored, we hope the favor will be returned in kind. A good bill should not languish simply because it is sponsored by a member of the minority. We are a Senate for all New Jersey, not just the residents represented by a Democrat."

The letter to Senate President Sweeney reads as follows:

September 7, 2012

The Honorable Senate President Stephen M. Sweeney
New Jersey Senate Democrat Office
125 West State Street
Trenton, NJ 08625

Dear Senate President Sweeney:

New Jersey’s 16 Senate Republicans are eager to reconvene next week, starting a fall Senate calendar packed with several committee and session dates.

As you and your committee chairs prepare agendas for the fall, we urge you to post the enclosed list of bills to alleviate tax burdens, establish accountability and protect children and families. While by no means the extent of our priorities, these proposals address needs in New Jersey, should incur little or no partisan resistance and have zero or minimal impact on the state budget. These measures address problems well vetted in the press, by the State Comptroller or other non-partisan observers. Some initiatives are supported or sponsored by established Democrats, including Majority Leader Weinberg.

Our caucus representing roughly 3.5 million New Jersey residents does not expect you to let logical legislation languish simply because it is sponsored by a member of the minority. We have no qualms supporting key Democrat-sponsored initiatives, as evidenced by our recent votes for tenure reform and the reorganization of our higher education system. We hope that you will join us to, for example, increase transparency and accountability in quasi-public authorities, boards, and commissions, which everyone agrees is a necessity.

Again, we reiterate that these bills are not exhaustive of our legislative priorities, and we continue to be interested in movement on more controversial proposals such as: nominations to the Supreme Court, broad-based income and business tax reductions, and property tax reform.  However, given the rancor that is likely to ensue in the upcoming election year, we believe it is reasonable at minimum to ask for action on the attached ‘no-brainer’ pieces of legislation.  Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.


Senator Republican Leader Tom Kean;
Senators Dawn Addiego, Diane Allen, Kip Bateman, Jen Beck, Tony Bucco, Gerry Cardinale, Chris Connors, Mike Doherty, Jim Holzapfel, Joe Kyrillos, Kevin O’Toole, Steve Oroho, Joe Pennacchio, Bob Singer and Sam Thompson

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