Friday, September 28, 2012

Ken Shear To Retire From Bar Post After 37 Years

The 13,000-member Philadelphia Bar Association has announced that Kenneth Shear, 67, the Association’s Executive Director, will retire from the Association on December 31, 2013, after more than 37 years with the organization.  Shear will continue in his current capacity through the end of 2013.
“With nearly four decades of dedicated service and inspiring leadership, Ken has left an indelibly positive mark on the oldest association of lawyers in the United States,” said Philadelphia Bar Association Chancellor John E. Savoth.
“The Philadelphia Bar Association has grown, thrived and won regional, statewide and national recognition under Ken Shear’s direction.  The Association remains a model for many other associations and has greatly benefitted from Ken’s experience.  He has totally committed his intelligence, energy and good judgment to the well-being of this Association, and he has won the respect and admiration of those who have had the good fortune to work for and with him,” Savoth said.
“We express our gratitude to Ken for his 37 years of distinguished service to the Association, in its third century of serving the profession and the public by promoting justice, professional excellence and respect for the rule of law,” the Chancellor said.
Shear has served as Executive Director of the Philadelphia Bar Association since December 1976.  His tenure constitutes nearly 18 percent of the life of the 210-year-old association.

On a personal note, we express our best wishes to Ken Shear and his family and he prepares to turn the page and move on to a new chapter in his life. Ken's record of service to the organized bar, to the justice system and to the city and region is impressive, having consumed a huge chunk of his life. We know that this is what Ken wanted -- that this is a job he truly cherished. He saw it as his calling and his mission and he dedicated each and every day to it.
And we know this will continue to be the case in the year ahead as Ken assists in the process that will eventually select his successor. 

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