Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Obama Economy: No Running Away From Facts

In the last four years...
  • The debt of the United States has grown to a startling $16 trillion dollars — the largest total in our nation's history.
  • As the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has reported, the Obama Administration has racked up 4 straight trillion-dollar plus annual budget deficits. 
  • Unemployment has remained over 8% for 43 straight months — a first since the Great Depression.[3] The real unemployment rate — taking into account those who have stopped looking or who are working part-time and want more work — is almost 15%.
  • More than 23 million Americans are out of work or underemployed.
  • Because of this troubled economy, the number of Americans receiving food stamp assistance — more than 46 million in all — is at a record high, according to the government. 
  • The United States has slid from 3rd in ease of starting a new business to 13th in the world, trailing unlikely competitors like Rwanda and Macedonia.

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