Thursday, September 13, 2012

The REAL Issues Surrounding The Embassy Attacks

A Facebook friend (Jeff Booker) writes as follows:
A few thoughts on the mess in the Middle East now that some of the initial dust has settled...well no actually it hasn't-but I digress. The mainstream, old school media's reporting of this tragedy has been truly revealing and frustrating. Has anyone but me wondered why the following question STILL has not been broadly and consistently asked by network news types: How in the world do we leave a US Embassy and its Ambassador defenseless (local Libyan 'security forces' obviously don't count) on an anniversary of 9/11 in LIBYA?! This was not Canada, not England or Germany...but LIBYA! This should be the #1 question being pressed on the current Administration but what do we hear from ABC, NBC and CBS? Crickets chirping.....oh, unless you count the colluding to ask Mitt Romney about the 'timing' of his statement regarding the initial US statement out of the US Embassy in Cairo. The same statement that the Administration went to great lengths to distance themselves from. The left and their big media supporters want to focus on 'process' instead of pressing the President and his Sec of State on the issue. If this were a Republican POTUS we would have full scale media outrage-and rightfully so! Stop protecting this Administration and DEMAND answers!

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