Sunday, October 14, 2012

30 Best Reasons To Boot Obama Out Of Office

Here they are (in no particular order) the top 30 real, honest-to-goodness reasons to kick Obama out the door:
1) Gas prices doubled.
2) Amnesty to illegals without Congress' approval.
3) Lost our AAA credit rating.
4) All time greatest middle-class tax increase.
5) "You didn't build that."
6) $716 billion taken from Medicare.
7) Undermines governments balance of powers.
8) Welfare reform gutted.
9) Record number on Food Stamps -- 50 million +.
10) Worst relationship with Israel.
11) Nixed the Keystone Pipeline.
12) Weakened our military.
13) Record high unemployment.
14) Abandoned NASA.
15) Slow response to BP oil spill.
16) Golf, vacation, golf, vacation, golf, vacation.
17) War on both capitalism and religion.
18) Stimulus failed.
19) Chicago-style ethics.
20) Divides country with class warfare.
21) Won't let states enforce laws against ILLEGAL aliens.
22) Solyndra wasted $534 million.
23) Added 5.4 trillion to debt.
24) Job restricting regulations.
25) Bows to dictators.
26) Bengazigate scandal.
27) Apologized to half the world.
28) Fast and Furious.
29) Joe Biden.
30) Obamacare.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. He also is too skinny and he smokes.
