Friday, October 12, 2012

Biden Offers No Solutions For Joblessness

“The Obama-Biden team can’t seem to get their story straight on the nation’s struggling economy. After his advisers first promised to drive down unemployment to 5.3% by today, Vice President Biden last night claimed he doesn’t know how long it will take to get to 6%. The truth is Americans can’t afford four more years like the last four years. As president, Mitt Romney will finally deliver a real recovery, with 12 million new jobs and higher take-home pay for American workers.” – Andrea Saul, Romney Campaign Spokesperson

Last Night, Vice President Biden Promised To Get Unemployment Under 6%, But Didn’t “Know How Long It Will Take”:

Vice President Biden, On When Unemployment Will Reach 6 Percent: “I Don't Know How Long It Will Take.” RADDATZ: “Can you get unemployment to under 6 percent, and how long will it take?” BIDEN: “I don't know how long it will take.” RADDATZ: “Vice President Biden.” BIDEN: We can and we will get it under 6 percent.” (Vice President Joe Biden, Vice Presidential Debate, Danville, KY, 10/11/12)

But While Selling His Stimulus Plan In 2009, President Obama Promised The Nation Unemployment Would Be At 5.3% By Today:

Before Taking Office, President Obama’s Advisers Predicted The Stimulus Would Lower Unemployment To 5.3% By Today. (Christina Romer and Jared Bernstein, "The Job Impact Of The American Recovery And Reinvestment Plan,” 1/9/09)

President Obama, On His Advisers’ Stimulus Predictions: “The American People Can See Exactly What This Plan Will Mean For Their Families, Their Communities, And Our Economy.” OBAMA: “I asked my nominee for Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, Dr. Christina Romer, and the Vice President-Elect’s Chief Economic Adviser, Dr. Jared Bernstein, to conduct a rigorous analysis of this plan and come up with projections of how many jobs it will create – and what kind of jobs they will be. Today, I am releasing a report of their findings so that the American people can see exactly what this plan will mean for their families, their communities, and our economy.” (President-Elect Barack Obama, Radio Address, 1/10/09)

REALITY CHECK: Unemployment Is Still Stuck At 7.8% After Remaining Above 8% For 43 Months.(Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 10/12/12)

And Vice President Biden Made Stimulus Predictions Of His Own, Promising It Would “Literally” Drop-Kick “Us Out Of This Recession”:

Vice President Biden, On The Impact Of The Stimulus In February 2009: “Literally Drop-Kicks Us Out Of This Recession.” BIDEN: "This is a monumental project, but I think it's doable. But I just think we got to stay on top of it and we got to stay on top of it on a weekly basis. Because this is about getting this out and spent in 18 months to create 3.5 million jobs and do -- to set -- tee this up so the rest of the good work that's being done here literally drop-kicks us out of this recession and we begin to grow again and begin to grow again." (Vice President Joe Biden, Remarks, Washington D.C., 2/25/09)

Vice President Biden, In September 2009: “In My Wildest Dreams, I Never Thought It Would Work This Well ...” (Elizabeth Williamson, "Biden On Stimulus: 'Never Thought It Would Work This Well,’” The Wall Street Journal, 9/24/09)

Vice President Biden, In July 2010: “I'm Calling This The Recovery – The Summer Of Recovery.” BIDEN: “The truth is now, we're spending more now this summer than we -- I'm calling this the recovery – the summer of recovery.”(ABC’s “This Week”, 7/11/10)

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