Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Former Aide: Obama 'Really Doesn't Like People'

From Neera Tanden, a former aide to Bill Clinton who also worked for President Obama. Tanden  served as senior advisor for health reform in the Obama Administration:
"Clinton, being Clinton, had plenty of advice in mind and was desperate to impart it. But for the first two years of Obama’s term, the phone calls Clinton kept expecting rarely came. “People say the reason Obama wouldn’t call Clinton is because he doesn’t like him,” observes Tanden. “The truth is, Obama doesn’t call anyone, and he’s not close to almost anyone. It’s stunning that he’s in politics, because he really doesn’t like people. My analogy is that it’s like becoming Bill Gates without liking computers.”
Are you surprised that Obama doesn't like people?
We're not. We've pointed out many times that he's a loner. He's detached, aloof, disconnected. And he seems to like it that way.

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