Friday, October 26, 2012

Help Romney: Here's What You Can Do Right NOW!

With less than two weeks to go, we’re feeling the momentum.

The debates have supercharged our campaign and the Republican team. We're seeing more and more enthusiasm -- and more and more support.

This has become more than just a campaign. It’s become a national movement. Americans recognize we can do better as a nation than we’ve done over these last four years.

Paul and I and the Republican team have a plan to produce a real recovery for America. We're going to take back this country with good jobs, rising take-home pay, a strong military, and better opportunities for all Americans.

This is a time to call on America’s greatness. We need your help -- because it matters. It matters for your kids and their kids. It matters for 23 million Americans struggling for work. And it matters for the future of our nation to have a strong economy.

Contribute today to help us keep up the momentum.

Thanks to you, the movement is gaining steam -- and your continued support will propel us to victory.

Mitt Romney

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