Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How You Can Help Cherry Hill's Cherry Blossom Event

Here is a special message from Cherry Hill's indomitable Joe Zanghi. We urge everyone to support his fine efforts, all built around the arrival of the cherry blossoms in the township next spring. This is a fine community event that deserves your active participation:

To the organizations, businessmen, schools and political leaders of Cherry Hill Township:

We need a representative from your organization to attend a community-wide meeting to discuss preparations of a major festive event honoring Cherry Hill Township in 2013! The meeting is scheduled for October 16th, 2012  and will be held at Cherry Hill's Fire Station # 22 located at 951 North Kings Highway (across from the new library) and will start at 7:30 PM. 

We want to form a committee that will work together to organize festive events on the arrival of the 40th Anniversary of the first cherry tree planting on Chapel Avenue and the first Cherry Blossom Parade in Cherry Hill that occurred in 1973!

These festive events to be planned throughout the month of April, 2013! and will be themed to be a -- "Celebration of Cherry Hill" Cherry Blossom Festival! Our goal is bring our diverse community proudly together to reflect of all of that is good and meaningful within Cherry Hill Township. All elements of the community will have an opportunity to participate in the 40 Anniversary celebration. Our plan is to return of the popular Cherry Blossom Parade back to the community and it will be the highlight of this activity.

We are well aware of the stressful economical situation that the community is facing --- and this will be perhaps the most difficult challenge for us to overcome. I am a strong believer that where there is a will -- there is a way. I believe that this dynamic community can raise the necessary funds to be successful for Cherry Hill! Please have someone represent your organization and have him/her attend this important meeting. We must come together, we must work together!

In the past -- Cherry Hill's Firefighters and American Legion Post 372 War Veterans have supported this illusive quest to annually celebrate the community of Cherry Hill. I am grateful for their support and their loyalty to the ideals and mandates of which a small group of residents set up for themselves in 1972!  We committed ourselves to our idealistic ideals when we planted the first cherry tree on Chapel Avenue to honor Cherry Hill Township. 

Forty years later -- 1427 cherry trees have been planted pursuing our idealistic quest to line Chapel Avenue with all cherry trees. There are only 17 shade trees standing among the continuous rows of cherry trees that must be removed in order for us to complete the continuous two-mile stretch of blossoming cherry trees. 

With the support of Cherry Hill's Firefighters and the American Legion War Veterans we were able to present a "9-11 Remembrance and Patriotic Gratitude" observance for ten years to reflect the pride of our community! We placed American flags and yellow ribbons onto the blossoming cherry trees in remembrance of the 2996 innocent victims of September 11, 2001 and to show proud support for our military.

Our small group has done much for Cherry Hill! It is so important that the identities of Cherry Hill supports us on this historic occasion! 

The diagram above outlines what must be accomplished in order to have a successful 40th Anniversary event! Please help us to realize this for Cherry Hill? 

Please contact me if you or a representative from your organization will be attending this meeting on October 16th. Thank You!

Joe Zanghi

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