Thursday, October 11, 2012

Libe Debate Blog - Blog 9

So, where are we in this debate?
Biden is lecturing.
He is mocking Ryan.
He is bloviating.
It's a classic case of an old man who thinks he's lived and seen it all and maybe even feels he has nothing left to lose -- and a young man with deep convictions, a passionate, smart, patriotic young man who wants very much to not just secure the future of his country but to insure that it thrive and remains a great world power. This is a young man who truly believes in American exceptionalism.
This is a debate of the past vs. the future.
BTW: Ryan has knocked it out of the park on the Catholic and religious liberties issue.
And Raddatz has definitely sided with Biden tonight. She's a liberal Democrat. There's no question about that tonight.

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